Find your name in Japanese Kanji

Do you know? that most of us (tourists in Japan) also have names in Japanese letters or Kanji.

We’d like to introduce you guys to “Senjya Fuda” or Japanese wooden name tag. Let’s come and find out how your name is written in Kanji.


If you are familiar with letters in Japanese language, you might have heard about Hiragana (ひらがな) which Japanese people use it to pronounce words from other foreign languages. For example, MacDonald is pronounced as Ma-Ku-Do-Na-Ru-Do (マックドナルド)、Taxi is pronounced as Ta-Ku-Shii (タクシー).

Ke-Tei / Sa-Tei-Shi / Sa- ra / E-Ri-Sa-Be-To/ Ma-Ri

Senjya-Fuda is a combination of Japanese letters that has similar sound to its original foreign word. You can see that the shape of Hiragana letters is quite simplified with not so many lines in each letter. In contrast, Senjya-Fuda is a set of complicated Japanese letters called Kanji which are originated from China. These Kanji are lined up in order that can be pronounced the same as your names

Katie / Stacy / Sara / Elizabeth/ Mary

What makes Senjya-Fuda interesting is that each kanji contains specific meaning. Every kanji that are chosen to be in our name, is always that one that has good meaning. You can discover new meanings within your name through Senjya-Fuda.

Ma-Ri-O = Mario (Left) , Ro-Be-Ta = Roberta (Right)

Its origin can be traced back to Edo period of Japan (1609-1868). Its original purpose was to be posted on the gate of shrines and temples to commemorate a visit. Through times, it became popular customs among Japanese people as a lucky charm to protect its holder from bad luck. Some consider Senjya-Fuda as a scapegoat. If it is lost or broken, it is believed that Senjya-Fuda has received bad fortune instead of its owner.

Da-Bi-Do = David (Left) Ro-Be-Ta = Roberta (Right)

Enough for the history, now there are tons of Senjya-Fuda designed to match with foreigner names. You can find most of names that you can think of, for guys like Adam, Brain, Chris, David and all the way to Zackery, for girls like Anne, Britney, Claire, Dorothy and all the way to Wendy.

Some parts of the collection in our store
Some parts of the collection in our store
There are four sides of this shelf!!
Let’s find your Senjya-Fuda!! Only 680 yen at Harajuku TIC

At Harajuku Tourist Information center, we have the full collection of Senjya-Fuda. We are sure that you can find your Senjya-Fuda as an original souvenir  from Japan.

Harajuku TIC


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